Fansipan Mountain Overview

  • Altitude: 3147.3 meters

  • Convex part: 1613 meters

  • First conquest: 1905

Fansipan in the Hoang Lien Son mountain range is the highest mountain in Vietnam and among the three Indochina countries, so it is known as the roof of Indochina. This mountain is about 9km south of Sapa center, bordering Lao Cai and Lai Chau provinces in the Northwest region of Vietnam. 

Fansipan Hiking

Fansipan has grown 4.3 meters higher than the previous measurement in 1909

According to the local language, the mountain's name is Hua Xi Pan, meaning a giant, precarious rock slab. The height of the mountain peak measured in June 2019 is 3147.3 meters. Fansipan Peak is currently a desirable destination for many climbers. 

Weather and When to Go?

The weather in Fansipan is unstable and often changes quickly during the day due to differences in terrain and altitude. The average temperature fluctuates around 13 to 19 degrees Celsius.

Fansipan Hiking

The weather changes rapidly during the day

The best times of the year to climb Fansipan are spring (February to April) and autumn (September to November). During these months, the sun is likely to shine on at least some parts of the climb and temperatures are quite mild. 

Fansipan Hiking

Choose the right time to admire the beautiful scenery while climbing

  • From September to November: After the rainy season, Sapa has cold weather and a lush green landscape. Along the climbing path, you will admire the natural picture of the ripe rice season with poetic golden terraced fields.

  • From February to April: The weather is dry and cool, allowing you to admire the charming beauty of Sapa during the flower-blooming season. Such as peach blossoms, apricot blossoms and pure white plum blossoms.

What Do You Need to Prepare

For a long and challenging climb like Fansipan, you need to be fully prepared mentally, physically and with the necessary items. 

  • Exercise daily: Before your climbing journey, you should exercise your body with sports such as swimming and jogging. Ensure you have good physical strength to climb mountains under the effects of weather and obstacles on the trekking route. 

  • Choose appropriate clothing: You should wear light and comfortable clothes. Bring a windproof jacket to keep out cold air at altitude. In addition, remember to bring a raincoat to avoid sudden rain.

Fansipan Hiking

Pack properly to avoid carrying too much weight

  • Necessary climbing equipment: You need to choose a sturdy pair of climbing shoes and a trekking stick. A hiking backpack is perfect to avoid carrying too much weight when climbing. Additionally, rubber gloves and a wide-brimmed hat are quite useful.

  • Bring enough water and snacks: A route will have some rest stops, but you should still bring at least 1 liter of water per person to avoid losing strength. Bring along cookies or Vietnamese energy bars called “luong kho” that are compact and full of energy. 

Fansipan Hiking

Luong kho - compact and energetic food

  • Bring a phone with a signal: You should buy a SIM from Viettel because they tend to have the widest coverage in the mountains. 

  • Bring spare items: flashlight, multi-purpose knife, backup charger, lighter, medical tape, and personal medications. If you are a free trekker, bring a tent or sleeping bag. 

3 Routes to Climb Fansipan Mountain

Below are three routes to conquer Fansipan Mountain from easiest to most difficult.

Route 1: Tram Ton - Fansipan

This road is suitable for beginners with Fansipan hiking because the trail is quite easy to follow. This route starts from Tram Ton to Fansipan and is about 6km long. On this road, 2 stops are considered milestones on the journey. Milestone 1 is at an altitude of 2200m. Milestone 2 is at an altitude of 2,800m. 

Fansipan Hiking

A group of nearly 300 Vietnamese people conquered Tram Ton - Fansipan route in 1 day

It usually takes about 2 days to reach the top of the mountain, including overnight stay. But for professional climbers, it only takes about half a day to get there. 

Terrain overview: Less steep, most roads are trails. Some sections have fences and a combination of mountain turns. However, the scenery is not as diverse as the other two palaces.

Fansipan Hiking

Tram Ton - Fansipan is the easiest route to go

Route 2: Cat Cat Village - Fansipan

The route starts from Cat Cat village at an altitude of 1,245m. This is the longest route with extremely diverse terrain.

Fansipan Hiking

This route is suitable for those with good physical strength and plenty of time

It will take you about 4 days and 3 nights for this journey. After departing from Cat Cat village, you will pass Muong Hoa stream and bamboo forest. Rest points are at altitudes of 1,800 meters, 2,100 meters and 2,850 meters.

Terrain overview: Many high slopes, few trails, moving through many hills. In return, this is a road with very beautiful scenery, golden bamboo hills and extremely poetic landscapes on both sides of the road.

Fansipan Hiking

Breathe fresh air with the Fansipan trekking activity

Route 3: Sin Chai - Fansipan

This is a long route with many terrain obstacles and is not for trekking beginners. It summarizes the difficulty of the remaining two routes and requires climbing techniques and the physical strength of the conqueror. 

Fansipan Hiking

This route is only for professional and knowledgeable climbers

Starting from Sin Chai village, you will start at an altitude of 1,260m, weaving through the forests to reach the top of Fansipan. In particular, this road has a slope of about 60 degrees and must be climbed by rope if you do not want to go around to avoid it. It is dangerous, especially during the rainy season when the water in the waterfall rises higher.

Trekkers will take about 3 days and 2 nights for the whole process. A popular resting place for this palace is the old Viet Hung shack, at an altitude of about 2,300 m and 2,800 m.

Fansipan Hiking

You should go in a group and hire local people to guide you

Terrain overview: High and steep slopes, dangerous roads with many curves. The diverse natural landscape changes continuously along the way.

Necessary Tips

Please understand the useful tips below before starting Fansipan hiking: 

  • Register information to climb: You need to buy tickets and register personal information with the Management Board of Hoang Lien National Park.

  • Choose a trekking route that suits your abilities and previous experiences: Hire a guide to go with you. You should only climb independently if you have at least one companion and have been climbing for many years.

  • Follow trails, streams or cable car roads if you get lost: If you get lost, calmly look for signs that someone has passed by such as broken tree branches, footprints, etc. And quickly send signals for support.

  • Do not arbitrarily eat wild fruits in the forest: Many eye-catching wild fruits are poisonous.

  • Don't carry a lot of food: There will be a few stops on the way to Fansipan, so just bring light food and filtered water. Avoid drinking soft drinks or carbonated drinks to avoid feeling nauseous or tired. 

  • Be responsible for the environment, landscape and your own life. 

Fansipan Hiking

Great feeling after a tiring and difficult Fansipan trekking route

For a comprehensive look, don't miss our post on travel guide in Vietnam!

Fansipan hiking is one of the best activities in Sapa that you should try once. The journey to conquer Fansipan Peak will bring you many memories and spiritual motivation in daily life. If you need any more information about destinations or the Vietnam itinerary, please contact the NEW team now.