Uluwatu Temple

  • Address: Jl. Raya Uluwatu, Pecatu, South Kuta, Badung Regency.
  • Opening hours: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM.
  • Entrance fees: 20.000 IDR (~ 1.27 USD) - 30.000 IDR (~ 1.91 USD) per person.

The first monkey temple in Bali I want to introduce you to is Uluwatu Temple. The temple perched on cliffs facing the Indian Ocean. Uluwatu not only offers breathtaking panoramic views but also welcomes a community of monkeys. 

Monkey family in Uluwatu Temple

Monkey family in Uluwatu Temple

The monkeys at Uluwatu are bold and accustomed to the presence of visitors. They participated in a Kecak dance performance. Furthermore, monkeys occasionally join the audience to add a delightful spiritual experience.

Monkeys in Kecak dance

Monkey is made up for the Kecak dance performance

Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary

  • Address: Jl. Monkey Forest, Ubud, Gianyar.
  • Opening hours: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM.
  • Entrance fees: 60.000 IDR (~ 3.82 USD) - 80.000 IDR (~ 5.09 USD) per person.

Next, we will go to Ubud to immerse ourselves in the enchanting of the sacred monkey forest sanctuary. This area is Balinese long-tailed monkeys call it home. As we pass pathways and ancient statues, the monkeys become our companions. 

Monkey in Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary

Monkey in Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary

The monkeys like to interact with visitors from playful antics to quiet moments. They will share the tranquility and spiritual energy in this sacred temple. In addition, locals believe these monkeys are smart and have insight into their behavior.

Monkey Temples in Bali

Friendly monkey take a picture with tourist

Alas Kedaton Temple

  • Address: Jl. Raya Alas Kedaton, Kukuh, Tabanan.
  • Opening hours: 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM.
  • Entrance fees: 20.000 IDR (~ 1.27 USD) - 40.000 IDR (~ 2.54 USD) per person.

In addition to the monkey forest sanctuary, I will introduce to you Alas Kedaton Temple. Located in a vast forest, this temple is not only a spiritual refuge but also a haven for a diverse species of wildlife, including monkeys.

monkey in Alas Kedaton Temple

Lovely monkey in Alas Kedaton Temple

Alas Kedaton is renowned for its monkey population, and the monkeys here are known for their friendly behavior. Visitors can walk through the temple grounds, where monkeys freely interact with you. It's a unique opportunity to witness the intersection of spirituality and the natural world.

Monkey Temples in Bali

A men visit Alas Kedaton

Pura Bukit Sari Temple

  • Address: Jl. Taro, Tegallalang, Gianyar.
  • Opening hours: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM.
  • Entrance fees: 15.000 IDR (~ 0.95 USD) per person.

Continuing our journey, Pura Bukit Sari is one of the tranquil monkey temples in Bali. This small temple is surrounded by lush greenery, providing a serene retreat for nature and spirituality lovers. The monkeys here add a touch of liveliness to the peaceful setting. 

Monkey pool in Pura Bukit Sari Temple

Monkey pool in Pura Bukit Sari Temple

Differences in above spots, monkeys here are known for their gentle interactions with visitors. As you explore the temple grounds, you may come across monkeys playing in the trees or quietly observing the rituals taking place.

Pura Luhur Batukaru Temple

  • Address: Jl. Penatahan-Wongaya Gede, Wongaya Gede, Penebel, Tabanan. 
  • Opening hours: 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM.
  • Entrance fees: 20.000 IDR (~ 1.27 USD) - 50.000 IDR (~ 3.18 USD) per person.

The last monkey temple in Bali I show is Pura Luhur Batukaru Temple. This temple is often shrouded in mist and surrounded by dense forest. So, it exudes a mystical aura to a realm of the spiritual. In the local mind, they think monkeys are integral to the temple's ambiance. It symbolizes the harmonious coexistence of nature and spirituality.

Monkey in Pura Luhur Batukaru Temple

Monkey in Pura Luhur Batukaru Temple

Safety Tips in Monkey Temples

  • Avoid making sudden movements, loud noises or feeding them without guidance.

  • Keep your belongings secure, especially items such as sunglasses, cameras and jewelry.

  • Dress modestly and follow any specific temple etiquette.

  • Should visit the monkey temple in Bali in early morning or late afternoon for a more serene experience.

  • Check the entrance fees before your visit because prices may vary.

  • Bring essentials such as water, sunscreen and insect repellent.

  • Watch your step to avoid tripping or slipping.

Monkey Temples in Bali

The instructor is feeding monkeys

So, here is a brief introduction of the top 5 monkey temples in Bali I want to share with you. By keeping these tips in mind, you will be better prepared for a safe and enjoyable adventure. If you prefer to travel to Bali on a package tour, contact New Asia Tours on the website.