Bag snatching

This is the first one among tourist traps in Vietnam that I want to warn you of because it has always been a common issue for locals and international guests. We will show a hypothetical scenario to make it clearer for you. 

As you arrive at a renowned tourist hotspot, the bustling crowd becomes a potential hazard. While you are excited about the atmosphere there, maybe someone is looking at you. When you are completely immersed in your exploration, that is also the time for the thief to take action.  

Just in a second, a man or woman will approach you, snatch the bag, and then speed up leaving you behind in a panic. This is the most typical case of a bag robbery shared by foreign tourists. 

Tourist Traps In Vietnam

Always be careful with the belongings you carry with you

Besides adult thieves, you should also be vigilant with street kids in Vietnam. They can be adorable, but they are also very sneaky. Your passport, phone, camera, wallet, and other items can be effortlessly snatched by them. Some of them may be truly naive and innocent but the others are forced to do so because of the dictates of another adult bag snatcher. 

My sincere advice for you with these tourist traps in Vietnam is to be vigilant. Avoid hanging your bag loosely from your body, as it may attract the attention of snatchers passing by. A thief won't strike instantly, instead, they'll carefully plan. This involves trailing you for 3 to 15 minutes before initiating the attack.

Being vigilant allows you to adjust your movements and potentially take evasive measures before a scam occurs. It's also advisable to store valuables in the hotel safe while exploring to minimize the risk of such incidents. 

Overpriced souvenirs

Among many tourist traps in Vietnam, you may encounter this scam a lot. It's customary for tourists to purchase souvenirs for friends and family. Therefore, sellers exploit this practice by significantly inflating prices for foreign tourists. 

According to my experience, in popular tourist spots like Ben Thanh Market, Hanoi Old Quarter, Hoi An,... the price of the same item will be more expensive than other places. If you plan to purchase souvenirs from any souvenir shops at tourist attractions, negotiate prices to reach around 50-60% of the initial asking price. This method can also be applied when you shop for anything else.

Tourist Traps In Vietnam

Negotiation is an essential skill when shopping in Vietnam 

A small tip for you is just to think about haggling over prices as a game. You'll likely get a better deal if you're good at negotiating. If bargaining is tough, consider walking away, sometimes, sellers might lower the price. Alternatively, for quality souvenirs at set prices, I recommend you check out bookstores, big malls, and supermarkets.

Fake taxis

Upon arriving in Vietnam, you're likely to come across this scam before any tourist traps in Vietnam. When coming to the airport, you will listen to people saying ‘taxi’ a lot. Then you need to be careful because it will be very hard to distinguish between real and the ones that have faked everything from one of the top companies. 

Not only at the airport, they still appear mainly at many tourist destinations. Many fake taxis will take advantage of your currency confusion to trick you with the meter. For instance, you might be charged 500,000 VND when the actual price is only 50,000 VND. 

Besides, they also trick you about the meter counter. Some drivers will deliberately take you farther than the original route to get more money. Therefore, you must check the travel route on Google Maps in advance and tell the driver to follow that exact route. 

Tourist Traps In Vietnam

Always check clearly before getting in the car

A tip to recognize the real one from others based on specific characteristics. Mai Linh and Vinasun taxis usually have a noticeable amount of branding, whereas "fake taxis" are seldom adorned. Besides, you can call their hotline to book a taxi:

  • Vinasun hotline: (028) 38 27 27 27

  • Mai Linh hotline: (028) 38 38 38 38

In addition, I recommend you choose the ride-sharing app taxis such as Grab, Be, or XanhSM. In recent years, local people have used these means of transport more frequently than traditional taxis like Vinasun or Mai Linh. 

You can ensure booking a car over their apps. All information about the driver will be shown on apps and you will know the price for the whole trip in advance. By using the ride-sharing app taxis you can avoid being deceived about the cost. 

Haggling photoshoot

Many travelers are more prone to these tourist traps in Vietnam. If you want to take a commemorative photo of a street vendor after buying an item, ask them for permission first. Then ask them if there is a fee for taking photos otherwise, you will be purchasing some money. 

If you decline to pay, these vendors may persistently follow you until they make a purchase or provide some money. Ensuring you know in advance if there's a fee and preventing unpleasant situations.

Tourist Traps In Vietnam

Even though they look very friendly, you should still be careful

Cyclo Scams

These tourist traps in Vietnam often appear in bustling cities like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Tourists can enjoy an adventurous city tour on three-wheel bicycles known as Cyclos. These Cyclo drivers will navigate you through various attractions, even offering to wait while you explore. 

However, be cautious, as at the trip's end, you might be charged for the driver's "waiting time," typically at least 500,000 VND per hour (or 21 USD). There are still many honest cyclo drivers out there, but there are some black sheep as well. 

A clear sign of the dishonest ones is that they won't give you a straightforward price. They might act like they don't understand or say you can pay whatever you want. At the end of the ride, they will take you to a private spot and show you an official-looking price list, which is vastly exaggerated. 

Tourist Traps In Vietnam

You can choose reputable cyclo providers to travel

To avoid paying such a high fee, always confirm the pricing before entering a cyclo. If you do wish to sightsee via a cyclo, It is recommended that you agree on a fee with the driver prior and pay in advance. A one-hour ride should cost between 200,000 - 250,000 VND (~8.18 - 10.23 USD). Anything beyond that should be considered a tip and hence optional. 

Which location do tourist traps often happen and what to note?

You will easily encounter tourist traps in Vietnam in famous cities such as:

  • Hanoi

  • Ho Chi Minh City

  • Da Nang

  • Hoi An

  • Thanh Hoa

At other local tourist attractions, it is less common so the scams here are not as high as the cities listed above. Before traveling to a new country, you should conduct some research on its safety and scams. This will make your time on the ground exploring more comfortable and stress-free. Vietnam is certainly not a hazardous nation, though it's better to be careful against scams. 

In addition, there are suggested hotlines which you should know when coming to Vietnam:

  • 112 – Emergency rescue

  • 113 – Police

  • 115 – Ambulance 

  • – Vietnam National Administration of Tourism

  • 1080 – General Information Service

  • 1088 – Consultancy Service

  • 1081 – Yellow Pages Information and Consultancy Service

Tourist Traps In Vietnam

If you encounter any difficulties, please call the phone number provided above

To gain more insights, navigate to our post about travel guide to Vietnam!

After reading this post, I believe that you will know partly clearer about tourist traps in Vietnam. Although there are scams in Vietnam, it's undeniable that this country is still well worth experiencing. To get more information about various Vietnam tours, visit the New Asia Tours website.