By Tuk-tuk

Tuk-tuks are also common local transportation in Laos like Thailand and Cambodia. These vehicles have some similarities and differences compared to those in these countries. In general, the outside of two types of Tuk-tuk is the same, they are still three-wheeled and open-air vehicles.

What makes Laos’s Tuk-tuks different from those in Thailand is their size. Tuk-tuk in Laos can carry more people (about 10 - 12 people). Therefore, if you travel with a group, I highly recommend this means of transport. 

transportation in laos

Tuk-tuk in Laos

Tuk-tuks are readily available in cities like Vientiane and Luang Prabang, offering travelers a convenient way to navigate through the labyrinthine alleyways and vibrant markets. If you want to immerse yourself in local culture while still saving money, a Tuk-tuk is the finest mode of transportation in Laos for you. The average fare is about 200,000 kip / car (~9.77 USD).


  • It's essential for you to negotiate the fare upfront, as they often lack meters. Bargaining is common practice here, so don't hesitate to haggle for a fair price.

  • You should keep small denominations of Lao Kip on hand, as drivers may not always have change.

By motorbike

Among many forms of transportation in Laos, the motorbike is the best vehicle that gives you the experience of a local. It allows travelers to explore off-the-beaten-path destinations, discover hidden waterfalls, and immerse themselves in the local culture. 

transportation in laos

Riding a motorbike is very interesting

From my experience, here are some places where you can find a motorbike for rent: 

  • Riderly

  • Rideinlaos

  • Lao Adv Tours 

The rental cost for a motorcycle varies according to your location, the rental shop, and the length of your rental. 

  • Rentals in Vang Vieng are often less expensive than in Luang Prabang or Vientiane. 

  • Some places charge as little as 5 USD for a day's use, while others charge as much as 50 USD. 


  • It’s very essential for you to have the necessary license to ride a motorbike.

  • Wearing helmets is not only a safety requirement but also a sensible choice given the road conditions. 

  • One thing you must remember is to familiarize yourself with local traffic rules and road signs. 

By taxi

Taxi is a reliable transportation in Laos for traveling within cities or for longer distances. The advantage of a taxi is a quick mode of transportation with ample capacity. However, one drawback is that the price will be slightly greater than that of comparable vehicles. 

The average taxi cost is about 2 USD/km. If you want the taxi driver to wait, you will have to pay 5 USD more for an hour. These taxis are typically easy to spot, often painted in bright colors with a "TAXI" sign on top. 

transportation in laos

Taxi in Laos


  • It's advisable for you to negotiate the fare before starting your journey, as meters are not always used.

  • You should write down or use a map on the app to show to taxi drivers because they may not be fluent in English.

  • Remember to bring a small Lao Kip for payment, as some drivers may not have change for larger bills.

By bus

Buse is a common and cost-effective mode of transportation in Laos for traversing diverse landscapes. The average bus fare is around 0.5 - 1 USD per trip to travel within cities in Laos. Besides, the operating time of buses often starts at 5:30 a.m. and ends at 7:00 p.m. every day. 

Transportations In Laos

The bus also is a low-cost mode of transportation

Just look for the green poles in the city that say “Bus Stop”, you will see all the information for each bus stop. In that way, you can easily plan your trip. 


  • You should have some Lao Kip (the local currency) as not all bus drivers may accept foreign currency or have change for larger bills.

  • You can secure better seats by picking up points early and avoiding the last-minute rush.

  • Always confirm the bus route and any scheduled stops along the way. 

By train

Train travel in Laos offers a unique and picturesque way to explore this captivating country. Although the network of this transportation in Laos is not as extensive, the routes still provide travelers with breathtaking views of Laos' lush landscapes.  

Transportations In Laos

Train in Laos is easy to access

The train journey from Vientiane to ThaNaleng is particularly popular, passing through verdant valleys and quaint villages along the way. Laos trains often have different ticket classes. Passengers must buy tickets at the station two days before departure.

Choose the class that suits your preferences and budget. Ticket prices range from 38,000 Kip (1.85 USD) to 529,000 Kip (25.81 USD) depending on the distance. 

  • The first-class seat costs 313,000 Kip (~ 21 USD)

  • The second-class seat costs 198,000 Kip (~13 USD)

Looking for more information? Explore our Laos travel guide!

Whether you choose the pace of a tuk-tuk or the adventure of a motorbike, Laos is always welcoming every tourist to uncover its hidden gems. If you want to take a journey to explore Laos' beauty, contact New Asia Tours for more detailed information.