The Ho Chi Minh Museum in Ho Chi Minh City 

  • Address: No.01, Nguyen Tat Thanh Street, 4 Dist.

  • Active hour: 7:30 AM - 11:30 AM, 1:30 PM - 5:30 PM.

  • Price: 20.000 VND (~ 0.84 USD) per ticket.

Topping the list of famous museums in Saigon is Ho Chi Minh Museum. It is also known as Nha Rong Port - a famous historical relic, associated with President Ho Chi Minh’s journey to find a way to save the country. Because the building was built by the French, the architecture here is cleverly combined between Asia and Europe. 

This museum in Ho Chi Minh City is a place to keep valuable documents, images and artifacts about Ho Chi Minh’s revolutionary activities, has an area up to 1.500m2. The museum is divided into 9 galleries, including 6 rooms storing valuable artifacts and documents about President Ho Chi Minh. The galleries are arranged according to 5 different themes about the highlights of his life.

When you come here, you will be able to have a lot of useful historical knowledge, which is hard to find in online news and ordinary books. If you want to understand the historical events throughout his revolutionary activities or the stories behind the exhibits, you can hire a tour guide here to listen to a presentation on the history of Nha Rong Port.

Ho Chi Minh Museum in ho chi minh city

Panorama of Ho Chi Minh Museum

War Remnants Museum 

  • Address: No.28, Vo Van Tan Street, 6 Ward, 3 Dist.

  • Active hour: 7:30 AM - 6 PM.

  • Price: 40.000 VND (~ 1.69 USD) per ticket.

In addition to the list of museums in Ho Chi Minh City, we suggest you visit the War Remnants Museum. It is considered a place to keep the evidence of Vietnam’s history during the period of the war. Moreover, it is a great destination and suitable for those who love to learn history. As well as wanting to return and relive the fierce war days.

Image of War Remnants Museum, though not as bustling and vibrant as other tourist attractions but there is an incredible attraction that cannot be denied. The museum consists of 3 floors, with a total of 8 thematic zones, each floor displaying different themes. The contents are displayed as stories from past to the future. 

 War Remnants Museum ho chi minh city

International tourists visit the War Remnants Museum 

Museum of Vietnamese History 

  • Address: No.02, Nguyen Binh Khiem Street, Ben Nghe Ward, 1 Dist.

  • Active hour: 8 AM - 11:30 AM, 1 PM - 5 PM (except Monday).

  • Price: 20.000 VND (~ 0.84 USD) per ticket.

One of the famous museums in Ho Chi Minh City that cannot be missed is the Museum of Vietnamese History. The museum was established in 1929 so it is the first museum in the South of our country, preserving and restoring many artifacts and books of cultural and historical value. The layout of the museum is clever. Each room is a different period that makes viewers experience Vietnam from prehistoric times to the end of the Nguyen Dynasty.

At the beginning of its establishment, the museum only had 2.893 antiques but up to now, it has 30.000 valuable artifacts, 25.000 books and documents serving the function of research, history education, publication and marketing. Artifacts on display not only show the historical development process but also highlight the culture of Vietnam. Some areas display colorful costumes and traditional musical instruments of different human groups.

History Museum in Ho Chi Minh City

The entrance of History Museum in Ho Chi Minh City

Find out more in our comprehensive guide to Vietnam!

Fine Arts Museum 

  • Address: No.97, Pho Duc Chinh Street, 1 Dist.

  • Active hour: 7:30 AM - 5 PM.

  • Price: 30.000 VND (~ 1.27 USD) per ticket.

When coming to the Fine Arts Museum in Ho Chi Minh City, you will enjoy its unique Art Deco architecture, combining the beauty of European and Asian art. The museum is a place to store and display 22.000 famous artworks, from antiques of great historical value to sculptures and paintings. The museum area is divided into two main areas: ancient art, traditional handicrafts and contemporary art.

Besides, this museum is also the first place in Saigon with the appearance of an elevator. It is made of wood with decorative patterns and carvings stylized as a Chinese palanquin. Although this elevator does not operate anymore, it has great decorative value for the building.

Fine Arts Museum Ho Chi Minh City

Foreign visitor in Fine Arts Museum in Ho Chi Minh City

Ao dai Museum 

  • Address: 206/19 Long Thuan Street, 9 Dist.

  • Active hour: 8 AM - 5 PM.

  • Price: 100.000 VND (~ 4.22 USD) per adult ticket and 30.000 VND (~ 1.27 USD) per student.

Unlike other Ho Chi Minh museums, Ao dai Museum is a place that only focuses on the history and beauty of Vietnam’s national costume. The museum is designed in ancient architecture with a wooden frame system and tile roof, bringing a peaceful space for visitors to enjoy watching the Ao dai. This is not only a unique Ao Dai cultural tourist destination but also an ideal spot to take a picture when coming to Saigon.

Ao dai Museum

Ao dai are displayed in ancient architecture

Ao dai Museum

The houses with the colors of Hoi An make the space here more romantic and poetic

The space inside the museum is divided into two separate parts: to the right of the entrance, displaying Ao dai through the periods; on the left are the Ao dai associated with Vietnamese women who have made great contributions in social and political fields around the 20th century.

Ao dai Museum ho chi minh city

Visitors make their own Ao dai

One of the most interesting experiences when visiting the museum area is that visitors can make their own Ao dai. Don’t worry about your ability, you will be guided through the dress making process, from cutting the fabric to drawing and embroidering on the product. This experience helps you practice patience and understand how to create traditional costumes, thereby cherishing the Ao dai Vietnam.

Glad to see that you keep reading the top 5 beautiful and famous museums in Ho Chi Minh City that you should not miss. One of the above locations promises to bring interesting and memorable experiences for you and your loved one. Hopefully with our suggested information, you can have one more sightseeing place to visit when traveling to Vietnam!