To enter the eatery, you need to navigate a narrow lane less than 1 meter wide, often crowded with the local residents’ vehicles. The dining space, which doubles as the owner’s home and business, is under 10m² and can only accommodate a few plastic tables and chairs, serving around 15 people at a time. During lunch hours, customers typically opt for delivery or sit at the café across the alley.

Chicken Pho in hanoi

The alley to get to Óng Ánh stall

The menu features mixed chicken, shredded chicken salad, various pho and glass noodle dishes, with the option of having them mixed or in broth. However, the mixed chicken pho is the crowd favorite.

The mixed chicken boasts fragrant, firm meat with a shiny golden skin that’s not dry. The chicken is finely shredded and mixed with fish sauce, lemon, and chili. Unlike other places, here it’s served with basil leaves. Diners can also adjust the flavor with additional vinegar or lemon salt.

Chicken Pho in hanoi

10m² Chicken Pho stall in Hanoi

The broth is made from chicken stock. Unlike beef pho, which is aromatic with star anise and cardamom, the chicken pho broth is clear and light, seasoned simply with scallions, roasted ginger, coriander roots, and onion roots. When eating, one can taste the natural sweetness from the long-simmered chicken bones and neck, not from MSG or seasoning granules.

Mrs. Ánh says there’s no special secret; her experience tells her which chickens are tasty and which are not, with freshness being paramount. “I prepare the food for sale just as deliciously as my family enjoys it,” says the owner.

Chicken Pho in hanoi

Chicken Pho is a must-try dish in Hanoi

A plate of shredded chicken salad (or mixed chicken) for 2-3 people is priced at 150,000 VND. Guests can also order a bowl of pho or mixed glass noodles for a satisfying meal. Here, the pho and noodles are enhanced with a touch of soy sauce and spices (soup powder, lemon chili salt), served with herbs and bean sprouts. Broth for the pho and iced tea are complimentary.

Óng Ánh’s Chicken Pho is mainly sold during lunchtime, from Monday to Saturday. Besides the main dishes, guests can order coconut jelly or yogurt for dessert.

Some customers mention that the cramped space can sometimes be inconvenient, but they find it “quite interesting” as it “truly reflects Hanoi’s culinary characteristics and has a homely feel.”

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