The shop owner, Nguyen Van Khiem, 75 years old and originally from An Giang, says his family has a traditional bread-making business with several locations in Long Xuyen City. Two years ago, they opened another bakery in Ho Chi Minh City, specializing in giant bread loaves ranging from 30 to 60 cm. To attract customers, they shape the bread into frogs, crocodiles, carps, crabs, shrimps, and octopuses.

Giant animal shaped bread in Saigon

The bread, when baked, has a deep yellow color, is large and puffy, and smells of butter and flour. The largest size is the giant crocodile, which is over 60 cm long. The large animal-shaped bread weighs from 500 grams to nearly a kilogram. A delicious loaf of bread has a crispy crust, a slightly sweet taste inside, and a faint aroma of durian and cadé (a filling made from butter, milk, and coconut milk). The price of the bread ranges from 20,000 to 80,000 VND, depending on the size.

Giant animal shaped bread in Saigon

A bakery with a variety of large-sized animals

Among the animal-shaped bread, the small and medium-sized crocodile, crab, and frog are the best sellers. In addition, many people also come to the shop to order dragon-shaped models, which are one and a half times more expensive due to their more complex details. The bakery is located at 91 Ly Thuong Kiet, Ward 7, District 11, Ho Chi Minh City. If you have the opportunity to travel here, you must definitely experience it.

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